Limitations of NAET

  • Patients are instructed to avoid all contact with the allergen that they were just treated for, for 25 hours. They are also advised to read NAET® Guidebook to find the suitable foods they can eat for those 25 hours. Breach of avoidance may fail the treatment of the day.

  • Patients are asked to remain for 20 - 25 minutes in the clinic / office after the treatment. It is recommended not to do hard exercise for 6 hours after treatment.

  • During the spinal NAET® treatment procedure, the NAET® practitioner and the patient should be alone in the room to prevent electro-magnetic interference. Children, friends, patients, relatives, office staff or assistants, animals and other pets will not be allowed in the treatment room.

  • Slow process of curing and regaining of health. Hence, in some chronic cases you may get to see results sometimes only after 2 - 3 weeks.

  • The treatment can not be administered if the body is weak or non-cooperative.

  • A patient may need to visit the clinic for 20 – 40 times, depending upon the health condition of the body.